I’ve been surprised by some of the gory stories I’ve heard recently from friends who know I’ve been working on a blog about injuries that happen to customers in hair and beauty salons and nail parlors. One friend told me a few years ago she hired a lawyer to investigate a popular beauty salon in Manhattan where she had gone for some beauty treatments. She had gone to this establishment to have her upper lip and her bikini line waxed. Immediately after the hot wax was applied to these very tender areas she said she began to experience intense burning sensations. It wasn’t until she got home and got undressed did she realize the full extent of her injuries.
I’ve been surprised by some of the gory stories I’ve heard recently from friends who know I’ve been working on a blog about injuries that happen to customers in hair and beauty salons and nail parlors. One friend told me a few years ago she hired a lawyer to investigate a popular salon in Manhattan where she had gone for some beauty treatments. She had gone to this establishment to have her upper lip and her bikini line waxed. Immediately after the hot wax was applied to these very tender areas she said she began to experience intense burning sensations. It wasn’t until she got home and got undressed did she realize the full extent of her injuries.