The New York City Housing Authority is the largest public housing authority in North America with 178,557 apartments in 334 developments throughout New York City in 2,563 residential buildings containing 3,330 elevators. That translates into a lot of equipment and a lot of maintenance to keep the residents of those apartments safe.
Housing Authority Lawyer in New York City
Over the years inadequate inspections of elevators and lighting for safety inside and outside the developments have allowed the City to coast along and not address the dangerous equipment and the terribly unsafe premises. This negligence has resulted in countless accidents and serious injuries to the residents.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by a faulty elevator; lead paint exposure; broken staircases; cracked sidewalks; a shooting or a mugging due to inadequate security on the premises, just to name a few potential causes of injury, you need to contact an experienced attorney who has a proven track record with holding the City responsible to maintain these residences.